Tuesday, August 3, 2010

a Life mosaic

Each piece- a breath. Each tile - a moment
Add some colors to the life mosaic.

Have a colorful week!


joo said...

They are so pretty and colourful!
Have a lovely day:)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Dani girl ! .. This is wonderful : ) It reminds me of Antoni Gaudi and his wonderful mosaic art in Barcelona .. we toured his house and amazing grounds .. plus that stunning
Sagrada Familia cathedral .. sadly still not finished.
This is gorgeous tile and a wonderful moasic : )

Dani said...

Dear Joy,
Thank you for the visit.
This is a monument called the Freedom monument. It depicts the images from the fight of Macedonian people.

You can see the whole monument here.


Dear Joo,
thank you for the lovely words.

Beth Niquette said...

These just took my breath away--they fill my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

EG CameraGirl said...

What an incredible mosaic!